What to Expect

Welcome to the online home of Ola Chiropractic in Totnes, Devon

Welcome to the online home of Ola Chiropractic in Totnes, Devon

We offer traditional chiropractic treatments and are the leading Network Spinal Analysis (NSA) clinic in Devon. Ola is also home to a range of other complementary therapies, including massage, reflexology, shiatsu, nutritional therapy, counselling and acupuncture.

If you are new to chiropractic, or Ola itself, the following Q&As should tell you all you need to know. If you want to know more, do please get in touch – see below.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is chiropractic?

Chiropractic is a hands-on method of improving the spine, posture and coordination of the body. It started in Canada when DD Palmer, the first chiropractor, restored a man’s hearing by adjusting his neck.


It is based on the principal that structural misalignments of the spine, called subluxations, affect the surrounding musculature and the neurological output of the spinal levels. This causes back and neck pain as well as other health issues.


In the UK, training to become a chiropractor takes five years of full-time study and all chiropractors must be registered with the General Chiropractic Council, who govern the profession to ensure all patients receive the highest standard of care.

What form does the treatment take?

Chiropractors use various techniques to correct the misalignments - from very gentle manoeuvres on the spine to manual manipulation.


It is often accompanied with soft tissue methods, such as trigger point therapy and massage, dry-needling and pelvic adjustments. The hands-on care is also backed-up with a rehabilitation programme to ensure the structural changes are sustained. put together a report to present to you on your next visit, as well as suggest an appropriate plan of management.

What is Network Chiropractic and how is it different from traditional chiropractic?

Network Chiropractic (also known as Network Spinal Analysis) was developed by Dr Donald Epstein to help patients resolve tension patterns which occur when the spinal cord is over-stretched during physical injury or when the body is under mental or emotional stress.

Like an over-stretched rubber band, the spinal cord tissues oscillate at a higher frequency or ‘phase’ when they are under tension, and that frequency is distributed throughout the body’s 75-100 trillion cells via an elaborate nerve network that links every cell.

Instead of trying to mechanically adjust or align the spine through manipulation of the vertebra like a traditional chiropractor, a Network Chiropractor seeks to understand the physical, emotional and mental factors related to the tension pattern and then find the specific points on the spine that will help the body resolve its tension using just a few ounces of pressure.

No twisting, popping or cracking is necessary.

How do I find out more?

There is much more information elsewhere on this website, but if you have specific questions, you can call us on 01803 862565, or email us – click on ‘Contact us’ below.

What happens on my first visit to Ola Chiropractic?

The first visit will last approximately 40 minutes. We will send you a health questionnaire to complete via email before your appointment. You can then be ready to see the Chiropractor at the appointed time.

During the first visit you will be asked a few questions about your health history, and then the examination will be conducted. There will be a series of assessments, including a physical assessment and taking photos of your posture, to help us understand your spine.


After the first visit, the Chiropractor will go over the findings and put together a report.


This will be presented to you on your second visit, when we will suggest an appropriate plan of treatment and management.

What happens on my second visit to Ola Chiropractic?

On your second visit, the Chiropractor will give you all the details and findings found on the first visit. Recommendations will be made in this visit and you will receive your first Chiropractic Adjustment.


Financial considerations will also be discussed on this visit. We offer financial packages to make care more affordable and this will all be explained should you require it.


Please allow 30 minutes for this appointment.

What happens at an Ola Chiropractic Network Spinal Analysis treatment?

A typical NSA treatment is an uplifting experience!

An NSA session is called an ‘entrainment’, a term that means to get ‘in sync’. During an entrainment a wave-like deepening of your breath will spontaneously occur and various regions of your spine will begin to gently move in sync with each other as tension releases.


You will remain fully clothed lying on a table while your chiropractor evaluates your body using the Network Spinal Analysis system. They will feel your spine and muscles and observe your posture and breathing patterns. They will then use gentle pressure on specific points along your spine to initiate the entrainment process.


A typical visit lasts about 20-30 minutes and will leave you feeling more relaxed, energized and physically well.